I have video in a .CAR file, how do I review it?
I have video in a .CAR file, how do I review it? To play a Cathexis archive file on your PC, you are required to have a media player that does so.Below is the link to download the archive player This media player can also be exported using the Cathexis software or will be available on any machine that has the Cathexis software installed. Should you not have access to the archPopularHow can I archive recorded footage and save it in MP4 format?
How can I archive recorded footage and save it in MP4 format? A .CAR format archive file will need to be first generated within CathexisVision and saved with the relevant permissions to be converted to mp4. The make archive exportable feature allows the conversion to MP4 ,this permission must be selected. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ff874573bPopularWhat is a .CAR file?
What is a .CAR file? The .CAR file format is specifically used when storing the Cathexis archived recorded footage from the software. Archived recordings stored in .CAR retain their authenticity and can be verified as authentic(unaltered) on replay,making them suitable for use in courts of law. To play a .CAR file on your PC, you are required to have a media player that does so. This media player can be exported using the Cathexis software or will be availablePopularHow can i export recorded footage from Cathexis?
How can i export recorded footage from Cathexis? Exporting recorded footage can only be done directly from the software and will require the relevant permissions for the user. Please contact your administrator of the software if you do not have the relevant permissions to export data from the Cathexis software on your site. Section 4 of the operators manual details how to export recorded footage. To download the full operators manual click on the link below: ||Some readersI have footage that I need to play back, how do I review it
I have footage that I need to play back, how do I review it? To review a Cathexis archive file on your PC, you are required to have a media player that does so. This media player can be exported using the Cathexis software or will be available on any machine that has the Cathexis software installed. Should you not have access to the archive viewer please chat to the administrator of the Cathexis software. To download the full operators manual click on the linkSome readersWill my archive footage done on a previous versions of Cathexis Vision work on Cathexis Vision 2018?
Will my archive footage done on a previous version of Cathexis Vision work on Cathexis Vision 2018? Yes, the CathexisVision archive player is backwards compatible. Browse through our useful tutorial videos and manual resources that can be found using the links below:Few readers