which kind of devices, I/O module I need to use if I want to build a parking system?
which kind of devices, I/O module I need to use if I want to build a parking system where have to open and close barriers when a vehicle trys to enter or leave? Can you provide me with a wiring diagram such a system?
it will depend on if the cameras have IO built in or if you are going to be integrating with an access control device but email support@cat.co.za with all the info.
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR vidSome readersDoes the ANPR solution have its own database?
Does the ANPR solution have its own database?
Yes It's a proprietary database and unique to Cathexis for security
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
Browse through our useful tutorial videos and manual resources that can be found using the linkFew readersWhat type of database you use? SQL?
What type of database you use for the ANPR solution? SQL?
It's a proprietary database and unique to Cathexis for security
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
Browse through our useful tutorial videos and manual resources that can be found using tFew readersWhat would be the most suitable models of cameras for the ANPR solution?
What would be the most suitable models of cameras for the ANPR solution?
Depends on your preference.You can contact our support or sales departments to guide you to a supplier. email support@cat.co.za
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
Browse thFew readersWhat type of devices would I use to build an ANPR system?
What type of devices would I use to build an ANPR system?
You would need a standard IP Camera when choosing the Cathexis embedded solution or a supported ANPR camera from a supplier that has been integrated and tested on Cathexis. You can email support@cat.co.za for more info on the setup requirements.
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
|||Few readersAre there any limitations when using Cathexis LPR with existing Cathexis servers?
When applying the ANPR licenses should i use the Cathexis CLPR-2000 software license and need the CLPR-1001 license for each camera?Are there any limitations when using Cathexis LPR with existing Cathexis servers.
Yes , you will require a CLPR -1001 license for each camera. If you have 2 detection zones configured on the camera you will need 2 of these licences. No restrictions on the servers - ideally at least an i5 or i7"
Please find the links to our ANPR docFew readersCan I have the alarm stacked in this alarm queue with the video for the event from the LPR camera with the alert?
With regards to receiving the notifications from the ANPR solution.
I will be using the Alarm Management Gateway and alarm queue. I take it we can have the alarm stacked in this alarm queue with the video for the event from the LPR camera with the alert?
Yes,"Correct and the alarm queue will stack all the alarms
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :Few readersDoes Cathexis support Thai license plates?
Does Cathexis support Thai license plates?
Yes. Using the South Asian engine and the embedded algorithm.
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
*Browse through our useful tutorial videos and manual resources that can be found using the links below:Few readersCan i see a diagram about how must be install LPR camera to achieve the best recongition ratio?
Can i see a diagram about how must be install LPR camera to achieve the best recognition ratio?
This will be on our online videos that you would be able to find on our web page
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
Browse through our useful tutoriaFew readersdo you provide a connection diagram which shows how have to wire the devices needed to build the ANPR application?
do you provide a connection diagram which shows how have to wire the devices needed to build the ANPR application?
Yes most manufacturers would have a help manual for their setup which shows a diagram you could email support@cat.co.za with your ANPR device for us to assist
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :Few readersIs there any chance that I can create a command in another program to insert a LP number in Your database?
Is there any chance that I can create a command in another program to insert a LP number in your ANPR database?
No, but you can import as a csv directly into the ANPR database
Please find the links to our ANPR documentation ,Cathexis ANPR Brochure and ANPR videos :
Browse through our useful tutorialFew readers