Articles on: CathexisVision

I have an issue with my CathexisVision software or hardware. How do I get in touch with support?

I have an issue with my CathexisVision software or hardware. How do I get in touch with support?

You can email with a detailed explanation of the issue. Please do not forget to leave us a copy of your address and also a contact number.
Once your email is received, a ticket will automatically be generated with a ticket reference number. Any follow-ups need to be done using the same ticket reference number in the subject.

You can also contact our support center for immediate help. Please refer to the website to get a correct number for your region. We have Support offices in Europe, South Africa and the Middle East.

Browse through our useful tutorial videos and manual resources that can be found using the links below:

Updated on: 12/10/2022

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